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Always spend time with your family.

Always, always spend time with your family.
We do not know when the “last.”


I have son 4 years ago.
Earlier, I told him, we were playing. He replied, it will be later because he

will still play with his cousins.


was scared and thought, “Our game last night, is that the last? Because he wants
to play differently. ” (I just did OA haha ​​because of course he has a different
playmate who is also a child.)


But I was reminded to always make him a priority. Because,

we do not know when the “last”


The last one we can lead our children. Because they are

big and capable they walk alone.


The last time he loaded. Because he’s big and he doesn’t

want to carry anymore.


The last time he was clingy. Because he has a world of his own.

The last one to make the house messy and noisy. Because often

they are not at home, because they already have a job.


So always, always spend time with the ones you love the most.
Time is just too fast.


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