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If we can’t laugh at the same joke again and again then why do we cry over the same thing again and again?

“If we can’t laugh at the same joke again and again

then why do we cry over the same thing again and again?”


Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to get over pain? Because we never choose to. We never endure our pain the way it deserves. We never really accept it as a part of us, a part that helps us grow.


When we hear a joke or say when happiness comes our way, we accept it, acknowledge it, let it make room in our heart and thus it passes smoothly leaving happy memories behind. But when pain comes our way, we just run away, we try to avoid it, escape it just to eventually end up encountering it again. This time bigger and more painful version of it.


But the real healing lies not in escaping but facing the pain. Accept your pain, acknowledge it, address it, let it make room in your heart and give it the kind of attention it seeks and it will pass smoothly leaving a new and stronger version of You behind.


Feel your pain to heal your pain.

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