This is your life. You’re allowed to be a different person. To wake up one day and not want to do the things you’ve been doing all your life. You’re allowed to love who you want. To move on from the people who are not good to you. To let go of anyone without any kind of explanation.
Without any kind of regret. You’re allowed to make mistakes. To learn from them. Or not to learn from them and experience everything all over again. You’re allowed to forget your past if you want to. Or to say in it but you must also understand that this is not how you will grow. You’re allowed to change careers. To dress differently. To chase different dreams. TO change locations, even if, at first, you’re terrified to do so. You’re allowed to dislike yourself but also allowed to change those same parts you don’t see eye to eye with. To work on them until you’re completely comfortable with who you are. This is your life. Make it count. Make your own validation. Your own path. Your own way of life. You are enough. And you are not broken. You’re a lot stronger than you want to believe. Now breathe.