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Dancing to lose weight is possible!

Dancing to lose weight can be a fun way for those who need to lose a few pounds. Several dance styles burn a lot of calories and can help you with that.


In this article, we will present the reasons you have to choose dance and the main modalities that help with weight loss. Continue reading and check it out!


Reasons to dance to lose weight:
If you think about dancing to lose weight, know that this is an excellent choice. See some reasons that justify this statement!


Healthy weight loss:
Dancing provides a healthy weight loss, without you having to take dangerous drugs or eating disordered diets, which cause the accordion effect.


When dancing, you will lose a lot of weight if you practice the exercise in parallel to a healthy and balanced diet.


Improvement of well-being:
Listening to music, loosening up, expressing yourself… Several activities are involved in dance.
It makes you forget about everyday problems, improving your mood, well-being, and your quality of life.


Option for those who don’t like gyms:
Many people do not practice any physical exercise because they do not like the environments of the gyms.


If that is your case, then it is one more reason to choose to dance to lose weight. So, you don’t have to train something you don’t like, like spending a lot of time running on the treadmill.


Sporting Goods:
Examples of dances that help you lose weight
As we explained, there are several reasons why dances help you lose weight. Here are some of them!


Belly dance:
Belly dancing works with various muscles of the body, such as the arms, the back, the abdomen, the hips, etc.


It is estimated that an hour of dancing causes a person to lose up to 300 calories. A good option to lose weight, isn’t it?


Fitness ballet is a method in which traditional ballet techniques are used strategically to lose weight. He was created by dancer and physical educator Betina Dantas, who brought together his knowledge of dance and physical education. Thus, it is possible to lose weight without causing injury to the body.


Zumba:Zumba is a Latin rhythm that mixes styles like merengue and reggaeton. The dance is very fast and the steps are not complicated. When doing an hour of exercise, it is estimated that about a thousand calories will be lost. Not bad, agree?


Salsa is very similar to Zumba, although it can also be danced in pairs, unlike the previous one which is individual. The calorie burn can reach up to a thousand an hour.


Ballroom dance:
The traditional ballroom dances are still an option to lose weight. Also, the steps strengthen the muscles and improve posture and motor coordination.


Hip Hop:
Hip hop is excellent for those who, in addition to losing weight, also want to improve reflexes and motor coordination. This is because the steps are very agile and require good physical preparation.

Dancing to lose weight is possible! And dance also increases self-esteem and improves mental health.

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