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Two Frogs With The Same Problem

Once, a group of frogs was roaming around the forest in search of water. Suddenly, two frogs in the group accidentally fell into a deep pit.

The other frogs worried about their friends in the pit.

Seeing how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that there was no way they could escape the deep pit and that there was no point in trying.

They continued to constantly discourage them as the two frogs tried to jump out of the pit. But keep falling back.

Soon, one of the two frogs started to believe the other frogs — that they’ll never be able to escape the pit and eventually died after giving up.

The other frog keeps trying and eventually jumps so high that he escapes the pit. The other frogs were shocked at this and wondered how he did it.

The difference was that the second frog was deaf and couldn’t hear the discouragement of the group. He simply thought they were cheering him on!

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